Linting Dart

Linting & Code Style

Linting in dart

The Dart SDK comes with a built-in linter in the analyzer package. To use it we need to create a configuration file that

holds the rules we want to use in our project.

Create the configuration file

In your root directy where your pubspec.yaml lives create a file named analysis_options.yaml. In here you can make use

of every rule that can be found in the supported lint rules collection.

Here’s an example for the configuration

// Include the 'pedantic' package, that is maintained by Google and provides just a small set of rules

include: package:pedantic/analysis_options.1.8.0.yaml


  exclude: [build/**]


    implicit-casts: false



    - camel_case_types

Effective Dart

Effective Dart is a comprehensible guide of learnings, rules and

recommendations for coding with Dart. We recommend at least reading through the DOs & DONTs & other points mentioned

there in a short way.

Google itself just uses 27 of 150+ rules in their config. To enforce a stricter style we agreed on effective dart as our

base rules set. To make it easier to follow this community-driven style & coding guide we use the lint package

found here.

Given our analysis_options.yaml file we just need to import the package

include: package:lint/analysis_options.yaml

and we’re set. It’s never been this easy to enforce a good & strict code style. :)

To overwrite any rules just set them in the linter: rules: ... section.

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